Awesome Firebase

List of Firebase talks, tools, examples & articles

I’ve created an awesome list for Firebase! Check it out and contribute where you can so we can build the best community resource for Firebase on the web!

Awesome Firebase collection cover image


Firebase has come very far in the past 2 years (see my State of Firebase late 2018 post) and newcomers could be lead astray by older content & recommendations, while experienced Firebase devs could benefit from an up-to-date community resource to keep up with what’s new and improved.

How will this be different from the past?

I’m a frequent Firebase user and will attempt to maintain this list checking it at least weekly, but hopefully other passionate Firebase community members will join in and ensure we have a list that changes with the ecosystem.

What it is Not

Exhaustive — as all good awesome lists, this isn’t meant to contain every single blog-post, article, tool or library related to Firebase, just items the community deem to be relevant, of high-use or high-quality (please create PRs and Issues for discussion).

Featured Items

A “Featured” section is included at the top of this list for easily keeping up to date with new releases from Firebase or the community.

  • the items in this section will be cycled over time.
  • there will only ever be a max of 5 items.


The Firebase documentation is translated into 6 languages and it would be great to support at least these same languages so that more people can join this community and to allow newcomers the quickest path to learning about the latest in Firebase.

For more information, please see the CONTRIBUTING guide.

Removing Items

As this is not an exhaustive list, and to keep it succinct, projects/tools/posts will be removed as they become stale, unmaintained or no longer useful in the current ecosystem.

This is going to be hard to do well, but will be dealt with on a case by case basis, so open an Issue for discussion! See the CONTRIBUTING guide for more information.

What about your Blog?

Yes, some of my own code samples or blog posts are in the list, but only the extremely popular or new posts. As with all other items on the list, if someone wishes to PR a removal because the item has become stale, or no longer relevant, then the item will be removed.


This is a new starting point for an awesome-firebase list. I hope as a community we can build upon this and together create the best list of Firebase resources the web has to offer.